Godly advice for daughter going to college sounds too formal. I prefer, advice for my little princess, who is going to college.
- Love the Lord your God with all of who you are
- Enjoy a healthy college life
- Wait for the person God has for you
- Pray for good friends
- Develop good habits
- Limit the use of electronics
- Remember that we love you and are praying for you.
I held you in my arms when you were just hours old. It happened then. My heart was filled with an inexplicable love for the precious gift I held in my arms. And my love for you has only increased in these 18 years.
Our family is beyond blessed to have you in our lives. And we are excited to see what God has for you in the next chapter of your life. But, we are also sad that we won’t see you every day.
I wish I could prepare you more for what’s to come. But, the reality is that you are as ready as you’ll ever be. As you depart for a new life, I’d like to share a short list I titled Godly advice for daughter going to college – from dad. Hopefully, other parents and college-bound kids can benefit from some of these thoughts.
1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength
This has been my prayer for you for many years and will continue to be my prayer for you. This is the one only thing that truly matters in life. Everything else is meaningless in comparison. Let Jesus be at the center of everything you do, and you’ll live a fulfilled life.
2) Enjoy a healthy college life
I’d rather you have Bs and Cs and enjoy college life than have all As and miss out on this great opportunity. Read bulletin boards, check out clubs, go to dances, concerts, games, etc. Spread your wings, but always keep #1 at #1. In fact, #1 and #2 can be such an awesome combination. Find a Christian group such as Campus Crusade for Christ (now called Cru) to grow in your faith, build relationships, and to have fun.
3) Don’t fall for the first guy that says you are beautiful, or the second…
Instead, wait for the person God has for you. You’ll know it because you’ll fall in love with him and Jesus in him. And when that time comes, always remember the thing men want above all is respect.
4) Pray for and Invest in good friends
Making friends isn’t always easy. Finding good friends is harder. The first thing to do is to pray for the right people in your life. And when you find the right friends treasure them and let them know that you do.
5) Develop good habits
Now, more than ever, is the time to establish good habits. Practice what you learned reading Atomic Habits. It is much easier to do so now than later in life. Start your day with prayer, read your bible, eat healthy foods, exercise, don’t stay up past midnight, don’t sleep late, make your bed every day, don’t leave food or dirty dishes laying around, keep your room tidy. And always remember, too much candy is not good for you.
6) Limit the use of electronics
Technology is great and fun, but it can cause you to neglect more important things. Every so often remember that games are just Is and Os in some program. Reading a book or going for a walk can be a much better use of your precious time.
7) Always remember that we love you!
We will be praying for you and loving you. Call us for the silliest reason or for no reason at all.
May this post, Godly advice for daughter going to college, be a little compass to you and other college-bound young adults as you start a new life, away from home.
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